Düsseldorf-based band Chogori embarks on an ethereal analog odyssey with their album “Minor Green.” The mesmerizing fusion of analog synthesizers and the warm resonance of double bass defines their captivating sound. Recorded at Hansa Studio in Berlin, the trio lineup, with Martell Beigang on drums, captures the Zen-like ease of their live session.
Breaking free from the 12-tone system, Chogori’s instruments soar into celestial realms, captivating listeners with a rich tapestry of tones. A visionary creation by Ralf Stritt adds an otherworldly touch, while Gregor Kerkmann’s double bass provides an organic grounding, resulting in an immersive experience.
With each track, Chogori’s synergy shines, embracing subtlety and vibrancy. “Minor Green” symbolizes the delicate balance between minor chords and the lush greenness of nature, offering solace and inspiration.
In an age of digital dominance, “Minor Green” stands as a timeless testament to the allure of analog soundscapes. Chogori invites fans to partake in this auditory voyage, experiencing the enduring power of live music.
Join Chogori on their cosmic journey, losing yourself in the enchanting tapestry of “Minor Green.” Let the analog synthesizers, double bass, and drums transport you to a realm of sonic wonder—an experience like no other.