Shipping conditions
Orders in our online shop are delivered by DHL Standard GoGreen and DHL International Premium, delivery times are usually 1-3 working days within Germany and approx. 4-7 working days within the EU. Shipping to countries outside the EU may take longer and depends on the shipping conditions of DHL and daily events in the delivery.
You can always pick-up your order in our store (Berliner Straße 63, Köln) within our opening hours.
As a rule, your order can be picked up within 24 hours. You will receive detailed information on pick-up from us by email.
Customs and import taxes
If you order to a country where custom papers are needed, we include them outside/inside the package. Modularfield is not responsible for import costs, customs fees and similar costs. These must be borne by the buyer. If packages get into the customs of the receiving countries we unfortunately have no influence on the processing time and are not responsible for delays due to customs. You need to contact your local custom office then for further information.
Packing material
We use plastic-free packaging material when we send packages. These are just as safe as plastic material, so don't worry. We try to use boxes of the appropriate size to make the delivery as sustainable as possible.